canadian falls.
american falls.
icicles on a cliff near the canadian falls.
a stream feeding into the river above the falls, the candian falls with ice covered plants, and the ice below the canadian falls.
a sheet of ice floating down the river above the falls, icicles hanging from a cliff, the canyon down river from the falls, and frozen lake erie.
me, a frozen stream, ducks who wish they had flown south, and megan in front of a ship wreck.
views of the falls from google maps.
Lake Superior, Ontario
August 29 - September 1, 2008 Checking out Lake Superior Provincial Park and Aubrey Falls.
Tobermory, Ontario
May 25 - 27, 2007 Hiking around Tobermory, home to two Canadian national parks: Bruce Peninsula National Park, and Fathom Five National Marine Park. |
Bruce Peninsula, Ontario
February 8 - 11, 2008 Photos from Bruce Peninsula National Park and Tobermory. |