Amy, Stacey, Carrie, and Casandra to the rescue!
Unlike Charlie, Paco has four angels!

Amy and Stacey Are our two newest techs. Amy is new to Ann Arbor and is still figuring out all the one way streets. Stacey, however, is a Michigan native and will soon be another "Ann Arborite". Both are still learning their way around the lab but are quickly getting the hang of things.

Carrie is a graduate student in the Neuroscience Department at UofM and is a member of the Neurosience Graduate Student Organization (NGSO). Along with helping Paco and Millie with their research, she is working hard to finish her MD/PhD. She will soon complete her PhD and begin working on her MD. What a long hard road! But worth it in the end.

Casandra graduated from the University of Michigan in Cellular and Molecular Biology. In addition to managing the Lopez lab, her main project is a collaboration with the Thompson lab researching gene regulations in response to antidepressants. This said, she does her share of running from lab to lab and project to project. If you want to find her, the best way is to follow the sound of salsa music. It's a good bet she'll be there! She also has a webpage of her own.

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