The patio started to grow out from between the steps and the flower bed. We set our plumb line from the edge of the steps and out perpendicular to the house. The first row of pavers fit exactly between the steps and the flower bed (just like it was planned). When the pavers lined up with the front edge of the steps, we knew we must be living right. | |
We moved pavers from the piles on the front garden onto the growing patio. Chris did a great job laying the pavers true to plumb. She aimed for a randaom distribution of the various brick colors. All of a sudden we were ravenous. We ordered out for pizza and buffalo wings (the traditional meal of brick layers). After dinner Jim chipped the corners off several bricks to fill in the curve by the flower bed wall. |
Now that we knew how far the patio extended from the house (130 7/8"), we addressed the issue of the border. By the book we should have placed this in before laying any pavers, but we really did not know how far out we would end up. We used up almost an entire day to get the border straight and firmly in place. After suffering through this undertaking at least we knew what the dimensions of the last two thirds of the patio would be. |
Keeping it straight |