- "Why Evidentialists Need Not Worry About the Accuracy Argument for Probabilism ,"DRAFT, STILL IN PROGRESSS: DO NOT QUOTE
- "A Defense of Imprecise Credences in Inference and Decision Making," forthcoming in
Tamar Szabo Gendler & John Hawthorne, eds., Oxford Studies in Epistemology 4, 2011: xx-yy.
- "Regret and Instability in Causal Decision Theory," forthcoming in
Horacio Arlo-Costa & Jeffrey Helzner, eds., Synthese (Special Issue on Decision Theory) xx, 2010: xx-yy.
- "Causal Reasoning and Backtracking," Philosophical Studies 147, 2010: 139-154.
- "The Development of Subjective Bayesianism," in Dov Gabbay,
Stephan Hartmann and John Woods, eds., Handbook of the History of Logic. Volume 10: Inductive Logic, Elsivier 2010: 415-476.
- "Accuracy and Coherence: Prospects for an Alethic Epistemology of Partial Belief,"
in Franz Huber and Christoph Shmidt-Petri, eds., Degrees of Belief, Springer, 2009: 263-300.
- "Confirmation" (co-authored with Alan Hajek) in
S. Psillos and M. Curd, eds., The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Science, Routledge, 2008: xx-yy.
- "Epistemic Deference: The Case of Chance,"
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 107[2], 2007: 1-20.
- "Are Newcomb Problems Really Decisions?" Synthese 156[3], 2007: 537-562.