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HYCOM ocean model
MITgcm model

Manuscripts in-preparation

  1. Impact of damping on internal tide sea surface height amplitude in global hydrodynamical models.
    Ansong, J.K., B.K. Arbic, R. Bourdalle-Badié, J. Chanut, D. Menemenlis, R.D. Ray, M. Schindelegger, A.J. Wallcraft, A.J. Adcroft, C. Bricaud, F. Briol, M.C. Buijsman, L. Carrère, E.P. Chassignet, G. Dibarboure, R.W. Hallberg, C.N. Hill, A.Koch-Larrouy, F. Lyard, M.R. Mazloff, A.T. Nguyen, N. Picot, R.M. Ponte, J.F. Shriver. Ocean Sciences , 2024.


  1. The Coastal Ocean Environment Summer School In Nigeria and Ghana: The value of long-term, sustained capacity sharing.
    Arbic, B.K., J. Adjetey, A. Agyekumhene, M.F. Akinwunmi, L.G. Akita, L. Anderson, J.K. Ansong, K.A. Addo, E.K. Asamoah, O.O. Awe, and others. Oceanography, 38(1). link to article, 2025.

  2. Building and sharing ocean sciences capacity through project-based learning.
    Nyadjro, E.S., A. Oikonomou, A.O. Saba, E. Mahu, G. Vagenas, J.K. Ansong, P.E. Martin, A. Agyekumhene, E.K. Asamoah, R.K. Quarcoo, and others. Oceanography, 38(1). link to article, 2025.

  3. Building Ocean Science Capacity in Africa: Impacts and Challenges.
    Saba, A.O., I.O. Elegbede, J.K. Ansong, V.O. Eyo, P.E. Akpan, T.O. Sogbanmu, M.F. Akinwunmi, N. Merolyne, A.H. Mohamed, O.A. Nubi, and A.O. Lawal-Are. Oceanography, 38(1). link to article, 2025.

  4. Surface and sub-surface kinetic energy wavenumer-frequency spectra in global ocean models and observations
    Ansong, J.K., Arbic, B.K., Nelson, A.D., Alford, M.H., Kunze, E., Menemenlis, D., Savage, A.C., Shriver, J.F., Wallcraft, A.J., Buijsman, M.C. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129, e2023JC020480. link to article, 2024.

  5. Mathematical modeling of pollutant transport in river Fena in Ghana
    Obeng-Forson, F., J.K. Ansong; Science and Development Journal, 6(1), 2022

  6. Ocean State Projections: A review of the West African marine environment
    Foli, B.A.K, K. Appeaning Addo, J.K. Ansong, G. Wiafe; Journal of Coastal Conservations, 26(6) , link to article, 2022.

  7. Global Ocean Corps and Conveyer: A Capacity Development Program
    Arbic, B.K., Ajoku, O., Ansong, J.K., Ford, M.C., Foster-Martinez, M., Johnson, W., Mahu, E.,
    WIOMSA/IOC UNESCO, Zanzibar, Tanzania, 56 pp. A digital copy of this report is available on the WIOMSA website , link to article, 2022.

  8. The Chicxulub impact produced a powerful global tsunami
    Range M.M., B.K. Arbic, B.C. Johnson, T.C. Moore, V. Titov, A.J. Adcroft, J.K. Ansong, C.J. Ritsema, C.R. Scotese, H. Wang, AGU Advances , link to article, 2022.

  9. Investigating the behavior of mid-Archean tides and potential implications for biogeochemical cycling
    Crawford E.B., B.K. Arbic, N.D. Sheldon, J.K. Ansong, P.G. Timko, Precambrian Research,380,106799 , link to article, 2022.

  10. A WAVEWATCH III model approach to investigating ocean wave source terms for West Africa: Non-linear wave-wave interaction source terms
    Foli B. A. K., J.K. Ansong, K. Appeaning Addo, G. Wiafe, Applied Ocean Research , link to article, 2022.

  11. A WAVEWATCH III model approach to investigating ocean wave source terms for West Africa: Input Dissipation Source Terms
    Foli B. A. K., J.K. Ansong, K. Appeaning Addo, G. Wiafe, Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences , link to article, 2022.

  12. Long-term Earth-Moon evolution with high-level orbit and ocean tide models.
    Daher, H., B. K. Arbic, J. G. Williams, J. K. Ansong, D. H. Boggs, M. Muller, M. Schindelegger, J. Austermann, B. D. Cornuelle, E. B. Crawford, O. B. Fringer, H. C. P. Lau, S. J. Lock, A. C. Maloof, D. Menemenlis, J. X. Mitrovica, J. A. M. Green, M. Huber, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets , In press,2021.

  13. Evaluation of ECMWF and NCEP Reanalysis Wind Fields for Long-Term Historical Analysis and Ocean Wave Modelling in West Africa
    Foli B. A. K., K. Appeaning Addo, J. K. Ansong, G. Wiafe, Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences , link to article, 2021.

  14. Enhancing satellite oceanography-driven research in West Africa: a case study of capacity development in an underserved region
    Nyadjro E. S., B. K. Arbic, C. E. Buckingham, P. E. Martin, E. Mahu, J. K. Ansong, A. Johnson, E. Nyarko, K. Appeaning Addo, Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences , link to article, 2021.

  15. On the interplay between horizontal resolution and wave drag and their effect on tidal baroclinic mode waves in realistic global ocean simulations
    Buijsman M. C., G. R. Stephenson, J. K. Ansong, B. K. Arbic, J.A. M. Green, J. G. Richman, J. F. Shriver, C. Vic, A. J. Wallcraft, Z. Zhao, Ocean Modelling, link to article, 152, 2020.

  16. Statistical comparisons of temperature variance and kinetic energy in global ocean models and observations: Results from mesoscale to internal wave frequencies.
    Luecke C.A., B.K. Arbic, J.G. Richman, J.F. Shriver, M.H. Alford, Joseph K. Ansong, S.L. Bassette, M.C. Buijsman, D. Menemenlis, R.B. Scott, P.G. Timko, G. Voet, A.J. Wallcraft, and L. Zamudio, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, link to article, 5(125), 2020.

  17. Detecting Change in the Indonesian Seas
    Janet S., A. L. Gordon, S. E. Wijffels, M. Feng, S. Hu, A. Koch-Larrouy, H. E. Phillips, D. Nugroho, A. Napitu, K. Pujiana, R. D. Susanto, B. M. Sloyan, D. Yuan, N. F. Riama, S. Siswanto, A. Kuswardani, Z. Arifin, A. J. Wahyudi, H. Zhou, T. Nagai, J. K. Ansong, R. Bourdalle-Badie, J. Chanut, F. Lyard, B. K. Arbic, A. Ramdhani, and A. Setiawan Frontiers in Marine Science, link to article, 6(257), 2019.

  18. A Primer on Global Internal Tide and Internal Gravity Wave Continuum Modeling in HYCOM and MITgcm
    B.K. Arbic, M.H. Alford, J.K. Ansong, et al. In: New Frontiers in Operational Oceanography,Chassignet et. al. (Eds), GODAE OceanView, chap. 13, link to book, 2018.

  19. Geographical distribution of diurnal and semidiurnal parametric subharmonic instability in a global ocean circulation model
    J.K. Ansong, B.K. Arbic, H.L. Simmons, M.H. Alford, M.C. Buijsman, P.G. Timko, E.J. Metzger, J.F. Shriver and A.J. Wallcraft, Journal of Physical Oceanography, link to article, 48, 1409-1431, 2018.

  20. Climate process team on internal-wave driven ocean mixing
    MacKinnon, J.A., and co-authors, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS), link to article, 2017.

  21. Semidiurnal internal tide energy fluxes and their variability in a global ocean model and moored observations
    J.K. Ansong, B.K. Arbic, M.C. Buijsman, M.H. Alford, Z. Zhao, H.L. Simmons, P.G. Timko, J.G. Richman, E.J. Metzger, J.F. Shriver and A.J. Wallcraft, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1002/2016JC012184, 2017.

  22. Spectral decomposition of internal gravity wave sea surface height in global models
    A.C. Savage, B.K. Arbic, M.H. Alford, J.K. Ansong, J.T. Farrar, D. Menemenlis, A.K. O’Rourke, J.G. Richman, J.F. Shriver, G.Voet, A.J. Wallcraft, and L. Zamudio Journal of Geophysical Research, link to article, 122, 7803-7821, 2017.

  23. Impact of synthetic abyssal hill roughness on resolved motions in numerical global ocean tide models
    Timko, P.G., B.K. Arbic, J.A. Goff, J.K. Ansong, W.H.F. Smith, A. Melet and A.J. Wallcraft, Journal of Ocean Modeling, link to article, 112, 1-16, 2017.

  24. Impact of internal wave drag on the semidiurnal energy balance in a global ocean circulation mode
    Buijsman, M.C., J.K. Ansong, B.K. Arbic, J.G. Richman, J.F. Shriver, P.G. Timko, A.J. Wallcraft, C.B. Whalen, and Z. Zhao, Journal of Physical Oceanography,

  25. Impact of internal wave drag on the semidiurnal energy balance in a global ocean circulation mode
    Buijsman, M.C., J.K. Ansong, B.K. Arbic, J.G. Richman, J.F. Shriver, P.G. Timko, A.J. Wallcraft, C.B. Whalen, and Z. Zhao, Journal of Physical Oceanography, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-15-0074.1, 46, 1399-1419, 2016.

  26. Indirect evidence for substantial damping of low-mode internal tides in the open ocean
    J.K. Ansong, B.K. Arbic, M.C. Buijsman, J.G. Richman, J.F. Shriver, A. J. Wallcraft, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, doi:10.1002/2015JC010998, 120(9), 6057-6071, 2015.

  27. Light Attenuation Experiments on Double Diffusive Plumes and Fountains
    B. R. Sutherland, B. Lee and J. K. Ansong,
    Physics of Fluids, doi:10.1063/1.4730431, 24, 066605:1-20 (2012).

  28. Turbulent Fountains in One- and Two-layer Crossflows
    J. K. Ansong, A. Anderson-Frey and B. R. Sutherland,
    J. Fluid Mech., doi:10.1017/jfm.2011.413, 689, 254-278 (2011)

  29. Internal Gravity Waves Generated by Convective Plumes
    J. K. Ansong and B. R. Sutherland,
    J. Fluid Mech., doi:10.1017/S0022112009993193, 648, 405-434 (2010)
    Movie: A laboratory tank experiment of a turbulent fountain generating internal gravity waves.

  30. Fountains Impinging on a Density Interface
    J.K. Ansong, P. Kyba and B. R. Sutherland,
    J. Fluid Mech., doi:10.1017/S0022112007009093 (cover article), 595, 115-139 (2008)
    JFM cover figure: A laboratory tank experiment of a fountain penetrating the interface between two density layers, and reversing to spread along the neutral density level.


  31. Plumes in Stratified Environments
    J.K. Ansong, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alberta, Canada, Link (pdf), 2009