Note: The Chomskybot was put on Netscape's What's New? list on the 26th of February, 1996. It went off the list on the 22nd of March; at about the same time, though, it appeared on HotWired's NetSurf list. During the weeks it was on Netscape, the average load on the Linguistics server ("snoopy") went up an order of magnitude.
([March 24] The ratio of Chomskybot hits to all hits has decreased to about a third since
  we went off the list, and I think I'll stop updating this page daily now.
  Our 15 minutes of electronic fame, documented.)
                    Totals   (28 days)     Mean  C/Ts
                    94,286   Chomskybot    3367  0.57
                   165,467   Total snoopy  5910

            February '96             |   March '96
  Weekly |  Mon |  Tue |  Wed |  Thu |  Fri |  Sat |  Sun | Weekly
  Totals |  26  |  27  |  28  |  29  |   1  |   2  |   3  | Mean C/Ts
         | ---  | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
  24,003 |  292 | 3786 | 4968 | 4991 | 4396 | 2949 | 2621 | 3429 0.58
  41,431 |  744 | 6255 | 8375 | 8491 | 7654 | 5287 | 4625 | 5919
         |   4  |   5  |   6  |   7  |   8  |   9  |  10  |
         | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
  26,335 | 3939 | 4458 | 4215 | 4720 | 4025 | 2693 | 2285 | 3762 0.57
  46,110 | 6845 | 7652 | 7182 | 8303 | 7106 | 4839 | 4183 | 6587
         |  11  |  12  |  13  |  14  |  15  |  16  |  17  |
         | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
  24,252 | 3717 | 4285 | 4249 | 3927 | 3614 | 2333 | 2127 | 3465 0.57
  42,884 | 6605 | 7596 | 7412 | 6976 | 6402 | 4095 | 3798 | 6126
         |  18  |  19  |  20  |  21  |  22  |  23  |  24  |
         | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
  19,696 | 3833 | 3755 | 3617 | 3943 | 3424 |  763 |  361 | 2814 0.56
  35,042 | 6755 | 6704 | 6489 | 6625 | 6086 | 1563 |  820 | 5006

More recently, since the Chomskybot has moved, and its notoriety has stabilized somewhat, our use has gone down to somewhat saner levels. We don't get statistics on the actual Chomskybot anymore, alas, but we do on its FAQ file, and that's running at around 6,000 a year, so we conservatively estimate the hits on the Chomskybot itself as around 10,000 a year.

Still more recently (post-Millennium), we've been able to get actual logs of Chomskybot hits, and, as of the middle of 2001, we're running over 30,000 hits a year. This is comparable with the increase in traffic on the website as a whole. The Chomskybot serves as an electronic barber pole (or prayer wheel, depending on which church you go to) for this site. In 1998-99, the website as a whole received almost 100,000 hits; in 2000-2001, it received about 250,000. And so forth ... in calendar year 2006, for instance, it received about 700,000 hits.

Last change 04/16/07 John Lawler     How many are there?