On the Oceans of Eternity
S. M. Stirling
Roc (2000)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780451457806
Ten years ago, inhabitants of the twentieth century and the Bronze Age were tossed together by the Event. But as two worlds converge, only one can be the victor in a battle to lead this strange new world.

Praise for Against the Tide of Years:
"S. M. Stirling concocts another exciting and explosive tale of ambition, ingenuity, intrigue, and discovery."--Jane Lindskold, author of When the Gods Are Silent

"Confirms what readers of the first book already knew: S.M. Stirling is writing some of the best straight-ahead science fiction the genre has ever seen."--Amazing Magazine

Praise for Island in the Sea of Time:
"One of the best time travel/alternate history stories I've ever read, period. An outstanding piece of work."--Harry Turtledove

"A page-turner that is certain to win the author legions of new fans."--George R.R. Martin

"Compelling."--Science Fiction Chronicle
Product Details
Dewey 813.54
Series Nantucket
Volume 3
Cover Price $7.99
No. of Pages 640
Height x Width 6.7 x 4.3  inch
Original Publication Year 2000
Personal Details
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Store David's Books
Purchase Price $3.50
Purchase Date 7/28/2001
Owner John
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