The Berserker Throne
Fred Saberhagen
Tor Books (1986)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780812553185
Another episode in the Berserker wars of the far distant future when powerful machines continue trying to eradicate all life and the living battle back. Space opera, political intrigue, touches of technology. The main character, a royal, political prisoner must engineer his release from a space station prison in order to fight off the plans of the Berserkers and their human allies. Written by a master of the genre. There are links from Table of Contents to text. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print. The print in this version is equivalent to 20 point type; ordinarily the largest type on a Kindle is equivalent to 16 point type. The print in a hard copy “large print” book is never more than 18 point type. The reader can reduce the size if desired.

Product Details
Series Berserker
Volume 8
Cover Price $3.50
No. of Pages 320
Original Publication Year 1985
Personal Details
Read It No
Store Wooden Spoon
Purchase Price $1.50
Purchase Date 9/9/2001
Owner John
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