The Stainless Steel Rat Wants You
Harry Harrison
Bantam Books (1981)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780553200164
Product Details
Series Stainless Steel Rat
Volume 4
Cover Price $2.25
No. of Pages 155
Original Publication Year 1978
Personal Details
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Store David's Books
Purchase Price $2.00
Purchase Date 7/1/2001
Owner John
Links Amazon
1. A Stainless Steel Rat is Born (1985)
2. The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted (1987)
3. The Stainless Steel Rat Sings the Blues (1994)
4. The Stainless Steel Rat (1961)
5. The Stainless Steel Rat's Revenge (1970)
6. The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World (1972)
7. The Stainless Steel Rat Wants You (1978)
8. The Stainless Steel Rat for President (1982)
9. The Stainless Steel Rat Goes to Hell (1996)
10. The Stainless Steel Rat Joins the Circus (1999)