Neutron Star
Larry Niven
Del Rey (1968)
In Collection
Anthology, Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780345283788
Come to Larry Niven's Universe and meet all the natives: Thrints, Bandersnatchi, Puppeteers -- and a host of other wonderfully created characters.
Visit Lookitthat, Down, and Jinx -- indeed, an entire galaxy of planets found only in these stories that trace man's expansion and colonization throughout Known Space.
A spectacular cycle of the future . . . a 10,000-year history of man on Earth and in space!

Product Details
Cover Price $1.95
No. of Pages 285
Original Publication Year 1968
Personal Details
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Store David's Books
Purchase Price $1.50
Purchase Date 7/28/2001
Owner John
Links Amazon

Title Author Start Page No. of Pages
Neutron Star Larry Niven
A Relic of the Empire Larry Niven
At the Core Larry Niven
The Soft Weapon Larry Niven
Flatlander Larry Niven
The Ethics of Madness Larry Niven
The Handicapped Larry Niven
Grendel Larry Niven