Convergent Series
Larry Niven
Del Rey (1980)
In Collection
Anthology, Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780345277404
This collection of stories includes the title story, which looks at what happens when a nice guy messing around in witchcraft succeeds. "The Nonesuch" follows Doris as she discovers that a mind-reading, flesh-eating alien is stalking her. Also includes stories from the "Draco's Tavern" series.
Product Details
Cover Price $1.95
No. of Pages 227
Original Publication Year 1979
Personal Details
Read It Yes (1/7/2001)
Purchase Price $1.50
Owner John
Links Amazon

Title Author Start Page No. of Pages
Bordered in Black Larry Niven
One Face Larry Niven
Like Banquo's Ghost Larry Niven
The Meddler Larry Niven
Dry Run Larry Niven
Convergent Series Larry Niven
The Deadlier Weapon Larry Niven
The Nonesuch Larry Niven
Singularities Make Me Nervous Larry Niven
The Schumann Computer Larry Niven
Assimilating Our Culture, That's What They're Doing! Larry Niven
Grammer Lesson Larry Niven
The Subject Ic Closed Larry Niven
Cruel and Unusual Larry Niven
Rotating Cylinders and the Possibility of Global Causality Violation Larry Niven
Plaything Larry Niven
Mistake Larry Niven
Night on Mispec Moor Larry Niven
Wrong Way Street Larry Niven