Myth-Ing Persons
Robert Lynn Asprin
Ace Books (1984)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 0441552765
Skeeve is in a real pickle this time. His partner Aahz has disappeared, and it looks like foul play. Finding Aahz ought to be a snap for a talented magician like Skeeve, especially with a sassy apprentice and a dumb-but-brawny bodyguard along for the ride. The trouble is, they're sleuthing in another dimension.
Product Details
Series Myth
Cover Price $5.50
No. of Pages 172
Height x Width 6.7 x 4.2  inch
Original Publication Year 1984
Personal Details
Read It Yes (12/8/2007)
Store Dawn Treader
Purchase Price $7.50
Purchase Date 8/5/2001
Owner John
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