The Forever City (Millennium)
Richard A. Lupoff
Walker & Company (1988)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Hardcover 9780802767424
Product Details
LoC Classification PS3562.U6F67 1987
Dewey 813.54
Cover Price $15.95
No. of Pages 230
Height x Width 9.3 x 6.5  inch
Original Publication Year 1987
Personal Details
Read It Yes (12/16/2011)
Store Edward R. Hamilton
Purchase Price $3.00
Owner John
Links Amazon
Alfonso Petrov is a 'corderman for a hit holo show that is at the end of its run. He was excellent but because he got the job because his father was the star and being only 17 he has no credentials.

Mariel Thanh O'Hara is the product of a genetic experiment along with her twin , save one gene, brother Dylan. At an early age the renowned scientist Carlotta Xiang removed them from their laboratory existence and raised them almost as her own children.

They all live in the free city of Yukawa, a space station as far off the ecliptic as Earth is from the sun. When the story starts Dylan has been lost during a trip to the Oort cloud. Carlotta, Mariel and Fonso go on a follow up research and rescue mission.

I got the feeling that this was written as the young adult level, that some of the facts were wrong (e.g. Titan called a moon of Jupiter) and that the science has as much leeway as we give to cartoons.

The story was good. The characters were better. We got to know Fonso and Mariel and understand them. It was a quick read and enjoyable.