Absolute Magnitude
Warren Lapine
Tor Books (1997)
In Collection
Anthology, Science Fiction
Hardcover 9780312863357
A collection of science fiction adventure tales features the contributions of such authors as Hugo Award winners Terry Bisson, C.J. Cherryh, Hal Clement, Janet Kagan, Barry B. Longyear, Allan Steele, and other science fiction favorites.
Product Details
LoC Classification PS648.S3A27 1997
Dewey 813.0876208
Cover Price $23.95
No. of Pages 352
Height x Width 8.7 x 5.7  inch
Original Publication Year 1997
Personal Details
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Store DNA Magazines
Purchase Date 1997
Owner John
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Title Author Start Page No. of Pages
Working for Mister Chicago Allen Steele
The Minds Who Jumped F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre
The Prize Denise Lopes Heald
The Dance of the Hunting Son Barry B. Longyear
10:07:24 Terry Bisson
Mice Shariann Lewitt
Amps Chris Bunch
Siblings Warren Lapine
The Melancholy of Infinite Space Geoffrey A. Landis
The Barefoot Mule Frank O. Dodge
Sortie Hal Clement
Jack the Martian Don D'Ammassa
Undying Iron Alan Dean Foster
Fermat's Best Theorem Janet Kagan
Yonada Robin Wayne Bailey
Planding Walnuts Linda Tiernan Kepner