Gregory Benford
Tor Books (1986)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780812500608
USA  English


A small cube of black rock has been unearthed in a 3500-year-old Mycenaean tomb.

An incomprehensible object in an impossible place; its age,its purpose, and its origins are unknown.

Its discovery has unleashed a global storm of intrigue, theft andespionage, and is pushing nations to the brink of war.

Its substance has scientists baffled. And the miracle it contains does not belong on this Earth.

It is mystery and madness -- an enigma with no equal in recordedhistory. It is mankind's greatest discovery ... and worst nightmare.

It may have already obliterated a world. Ours is next.

A small cube of black rock has been unearthed in a 3500-year-old Mycenaen tomb.

An incomprehensible object in an impossible place; its age, its purpose, and its origins are unknown.

Its discovery has unleashed a global storm of intrigue, theft and espionage, and is pushing nations to the brink of war.

Its substance has scientist baffled. And the miracle it contains does not belong on this Earth.

It is mystery and madness-an enigma with no equal in recorded history. It is mankind's greatest discovery. . .and worst nightmare.

It may have already obliterated a world. Ours is next.

Product Details
Cover Price $3.95
No. of Pages 544
Original Publication Year 1985
Personal Details
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Store Dawn Treader
Purchase Price $3.50
Purchase Date 3/21/2009
Owner John
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