The Dragon and the Gnarly King
Gordon R. Dickson
Tor Books (1998)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780812562705
USA  English
As a young mathematician, Jim Eckert was transported to a parallel medieval world where he found he had the ability to transform himself into a large but none-too-bright dragon named Gorbash. Long since settled, Jim--now the Baron de Bois de Malencontri et Riveroak--must once again assume the form of the Dragon Knight to save the enchanted realm.
Product Details
Dewey 813
Series Dragon Knight
Cover Price $6.99
No. of Pages 472
Height x Width 6.7 x 4.0  inch
Original Publication Year 1997
Personal Details
Read It Yes (1/9/2010)
Store Hillsde Books
Purchase Price $4.48
Purchase Date 6/15/2009
Owner John
Links Amazon
The Dragon and the Gnarly King (1997) 482 pages by Gordon Dickson

Part of the Dragon Knight series. Jim Eckert a 20th century man and his wife Angie are now in 14th century England. Because of the way Jim entered this time he has the ability to take Dragon form, and is a magickian, albeit an apprentice.

In this adventure, Brian is desperate to get enough money so that he and Geronde can get married and is talked into a fight that may get him in trouble. Jim and Angie's ward, Robert Falon, is kidnapped. Jim, Brian and Dafydd have to travel to the land of the gnarlies, to retrieve Robert. Jim and his friends also have to overcome the political machinations of Agatha Falon and the Earl of Cumberland.

I mentioned in the reviews of the earlier Dragon Knight books, Dickson has created a well thought out setting with a set of physical rules, magical rules, and a pattern of how the characters behave. This volume, like the others, flowed smoothly, was quick reading, had humor mixed in with the adventure, and furthered the plot of the overall series.

This is definitely worth reading, I think reading the books in order would be the most enjoyable, but isn't absolutely required.