The Gryb
A. E. Van Vogt
Kensington Pub. Corp (1976)
In Collection
Anthology, Science Fiction
Paperback 9780890833315
USA  English
Product Details
No. of Pages 217
Original Publication Year 1976
Personal Details
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Store Hillsde Books
Purchase Price $2.50
Purchase Date 6/15/2009
Owner John
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Title Author Start Page No. of Pages
The Gryb A. E. Van Vogt 7
Humans, Go Home A. E. Van Vogt 42
The Problem Professor A. E. Van Vogt 104
The Invisibility Gambit A. E. Van Vogt 167
Rebirth: Earth A. E. Van Vogt 158
The Star-Saint A. E. Van Vogt 186