Terry Goodkind
Tor Books (2005)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780765344311
USA  English
With Wizard's First Rule and seven subsequent masterpieces, Terry Goodkind has thrilled readers worldwide with the unique sweep of his storytelling. Now Goodkind returns with a new novel of Richard and Kahlan, the beginning of a sequence of three novels that will bring their epic story to its culmination.

After being gravely injured in battle, Richard awakes to discover Kahlan missing. To his disbelief, no one remembers the woman he is frantically trying to find. Worse, no one believes that she really exists, or that he was ever married. Alone as never before, he must find the woman he loves more than life itself....if she is even still alive. If she was ever even real.

Product Details
Dewey 813.54
Series Sword of Truth
Volume 9
Cover Price $7.99
No. of Pages 768
Height x Width 6.6 x 4.1  inch
Original Publication Year 2005
Personal Details
Read It Yes (4/23/2011)
Store Dawn Treader
Purchase Price $4.50
Purchase Date 8/29/2009
Owner John
Links Amazon
Chainfire (2005) 748 pages by Terry Goodkind.

The ninth book in the Sword of Truth series. In all of the books Goodkind switches which characters he follows. In some we get to follow the plotting of the evil, not just bad--evil, characters. In Chainfire we didn't have any of that until after Richard had figured out some of the essentials.

Chainfire is a mystery. No one except Richard remembers Kahlan. They all think that he is delusional. We know he's not, that it's everyone else that has forgotten Kahlan, but the book goes on and on, with Richard not getting any closer. Until the end when the mystery is solved but not resolved.

I'm on to Phantom, the tenth book.

Chainfire was the same writing style as the rest of the series, but the mystery was something we hadn't seen since the opening chapters of Wizard's First Rule. I'm going to rate this one a notch higher than the previous couple of books in the series.