The Pillars of Creation
Terry Goodkind
Tor Books (2002)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780765340740
USA  Englisch
Sequel to the New York Times bestselling Faith of the Fallen

New York Times bestselling author Terry Goodkind has created his most lavish adventure yet. Tormented her entire life by inhuman voices, a young woman named Lauren seeks to end her intolerable agony. She at last discovers a way to silence the voices. For everyone else, the torment is about to begin.

With winter descending and the paralyzing dread of an army of annihilation occupying their homeland, Richard Rahl and his wife Kahlan must venture deep into a strange and desolate land. Their quest turns to terror when they find themselves the helpless prey of a tireless hunter.

Meanwhile, Lauren finds herself drawn into the center of a struggle for conquest and revenge. Worse yet, she finds her will seized by forces more abhorrent than anything she ever envisioned. Only then does she come to realize that the voices were real.

Staggered by loss and increasingly isolated, Richard and Kahlan must stop the relentless, unearthly threat which has come out of the darkest night of the human soul. To do so, Richard will be called upon to face the demons stalking among the Pillars of Creation.

Discover breathtaking adventure and true nobility of spirit. Find out why millions of readers the world over have elevated Terry Goodkind to the ranks of legend.

Product Details
Dewey 813.54
Series Sword of Truth
Volume 7
Cover Price $4.65
No. of Pages 736
Height x Width 6.9 x 4.2  inch
Original Publication Year 2001
Personal Details
Read It Yes (1/15/2011)
Store David's Books
Purchase Price $2.67
Purchase Date 9/1/2009
Owner John
Links Amazon
The Pillars of Creation (2001) 725 pages by Terry Goodkind.

This is the seventh book in The Sword of Truth series. For people wanting their Richard and Kahlan fix, this book must have been torture. Although Lord Rahl is mentioned throughout the book he and Kahlan don't appear until page 648. Jennsen is the main character, she's an ungifted daughter of Darken Rahl. A few chapters focus on Oba, who is another half-sibling of Richard.

The setting switches to D'Hara. The previous volume followed Richard in the Old World and Kahlan fighting in the Midlands. Jennsen and her mother have been hiding from Darken Rahl, who was out to kill all of his ungifted offspring. They learn that he is dead but are still under the belief that they are in danger, from the new Lord Rahl. Their fears are not unfounded as soldiers do come in and attack them, and kill her mother. Sebastian who she had just met and befriended that day helps her fight and kill those soldiers. The two flee together.

Until midway through the book, a newcomer to the series might think that Richard is evil and the Order is good. About then Tom who helped Jennsen says "... The man I fear most is the one who preaches virtue and a better life while using people's good intentions to shade their eyes from the light of the truth."

Basically the whole book comes down to whether Jennsen is going to side with the voice in her head telling her to surrender [to vengeance] or not.

I heard that the series kind of bogs down in the middle, and I can see how this could fall in that category. Not much Richard, and all the way through the reader had to listen to the rhetoric of the Order, having to worry if Jennsen is being brainwashed or if she'll realize the truth. But that was the story. Then at the end he advances the series plot by a little bit.

The reading went fairly quick. The story was not fantastic, but good. You probably don't past this one to the next book.