The Bloody Sun
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Ace Books (1964)
In Collection
Science Fiction
USA  English
For Jeff Kerwin, Darkover meant home, the home he had left as a child, the home he had longed for through the many years. Yet, he was to be terribly disappointed when he finally returned. First he learned that there were no records of any kind of either his birth or childhood on Darkover. And then, after he renounced his Terran allegiance and joined the natives attempting to free Darkover from Earth's control, the Darkovans accused him of being a spy. Someone was betraying them. Had Jeff been conditioned on Earth for Just that purpose? Jeff Kerwin began to wonder just who, and what, he really was. -From the back
Product Details
Series Darkover series
Cover Price $1.25
No. of Pages 191
Original Publication Year 1964
Personal Details
Read It No
Store Dawn Treader
Purchase Price $3.50
Purchase Date 11/28/2009
Owner John
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