The Door through Space / Rendezvous on a Lost World (Ace Double)
Marion Zimmer Bradley; A. Bertram Chandler
Ace Books (1972)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780441158904
USA  English
Product Details
Series Darkover series
Cover Price $0.75
No. of Pages 221
Original Publication Year 1961
Personal Details
Read It Yes (12/9/2011)
Store Dawn Treader
Purchase Price $3.50
Purchase Date 11/28/2009
Owner John
Links Amazon
The Door through Space (1961) 115 pages by Marion Zimmer Bradley.

Race Cargill has been sitting behind a desk for six years, never leaving the Terran zone on Wolf. This is ever since his run in with his former partner, Rahkal. Just as he is about to leave the planet, his sister, who is also Rahkal's wife brings news that Rahkal has left and taken their daughter with him.

There are people running around and disappearing and some objects, created by the toymaker, that may have hypnotic effects, but Race's objective is to find Rahkal and bring him in. So Race leaves the Terran zone disguises himself as a DryTowner trader and joins a caravan taking him to a settlement where he may find more information.

Bradley mentions non-human species on Wolf, including Chaks, and another species, but never distinguishes whether DryTowners are humans that have left the Terran empire or just another humanoid species residing on Wolf. There was a tension of Race trying to find Rahkal, and characters introduced along the way, to keep the story moving, but it seemed like things were happening to Race, rather than this former ace secret operative coming up with a plan. What I'm trying to say in a kind sort of way is that the story didn't grip me. Not saying it was bad, maybe the yellowing pages, and the small print had something to do with it, but it just seemed sort of blase.

Rendezvous on a Lost World (1961) 105 pages by A. Bertram Chandler.

Alan Kemp, one of George's crew mates on a rim runner, wins the lottery. While they are enjoying some of those winnings an old gaussjammer from a lost colony arrives on the planet. This gives Kemp an idea. He'll buy the old ship, set up his own business and cut a few weeks travel time off getting back to his beloved Veronica.

With the addition of Jim and Dudley they set off and get caught in a magnetic storm. And the adventures start.

The story deals with artificial intelligence, a robot being just a machine or having humanity, and the effects on the Lucky Lady's crew.

Chandler did well in a short novel of exploring that relationship while continuing to follow the adventures of George and his three friends.

Title Author Start Page No. of Pages
The Door through Space Marion Zimmer Bradley
Rendezvous on a Lost World A. Bertram Chandler