Blind Waves
Steven Gould
Tor Books (2000)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780812571097
USA  English
The author of Jumper returns with a near-future SF novel, set in an America whose coastline has been drowned by melting Antarctic ice.

In the world where hundreds of millions of people have been displaced from their homes by the Deluge--a hundred-foot-rise in sea level from melting ice caps--Partricia Beenan is lucky. She is still an American citizen with the right to live on the continent, unlike so many "wetfoots" whose homes lie deep under the waves or the refugees from nations now completely under water.

But Patricia's father chose to live on a floating city of New Galveston, instead of following his congresswomen wife to Washington, and go into the underwater salvage business. Now, several years after his death, it's Patricia's business and her city. She's a wealthy woman, on the city council, well known to local INS commander and the New Galveston police.

But none of that will help Patricia when she stumbles across a recently sunken freighter that has dozens of bodies chained up in its hold and clear evidence that it has been fired upon by an INS ship.

Patricia's evidence of a rogue operation within the INS brings her together with Thomas Beckett, a government investigator assigned to the case. Romance blossoms while they pursue and are pursued by the killers, into the heart of the conspiracy.

Product Details
Dewey 813
Cover Price $6.99
No. of Pages 352
Height x Width 7.0 x 4.3  inch
Original Publication Year 2000
Personal Details
Read It Yes (3/1/2011)
Store Monarch Books
Purchase Price $2.05
Purchase Date 12/11/2009
Owner John
Links Amazon
Blind Waves (2000) 350 pages by Steven Gould.

The ice caps have melted, sea level have risen by a hundred feet causing coastal cities to be flooded, massive numbers of refugees and the INS has become a branch of the military. The story starts with Patricia Beenan on a salvage mission finding a sunken ship with dozens of dead bodies. INS CID man Thomas Becket is sent to investigate.

The story is a mystery, who were the victims in the ship and who killed them. It's an action/adventure. Patricia in her mini sub is chased by an INS ship, and several other action scenes follow. It's science fiction, raised sea levels, political changes, floating cities. It's a romance.

I had a little trouble following the first chapter or two. Just because of the terminology or visualizing the scene and having a contradictory element come up so that I had to change my visualization. I got the gist of it because I had read the back cover. After that it flowed much more smoothly.

The story was riveting. I liked the Patricia and Thomas characters. There were no lulls. Fantastic. I'm happy I picked this one up.