The Dragon in Lyonesse
Gordon R. Dickson
Tor Books (1999)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780812562712
USA  English
After their final battle, legend tells us, Arthur and his knights went to Lyonesse, the land under the sea. Now Lyonesse is threatened by a resurgence of the Dark Powers, those mindless malevolent forces that struggle to stop the course of History.

And Jim Eckert--the Dragon Knight--and his friends are called upon to stop them.

Arthur and his knights are proud, too; too proud to easily accept help from Jim Eckert and his allies. But they will have help--from Jim in his dragon form, from knight-in-armor Sir Brian Neville-Smyth, from the brilliant archer Dafydd ap Hywel, and from one small hobgoblin.

The result is a wild ride: Arthurian fantasy adventure as only Gordon R. Dickson could tell it.

Product Details
Dewey 813.54
Series Dragon Knight
Cover Price $6.99
No. of Pages 512
Height x Width 6.7 x 3.9  inch
Original Publication Year 1998
Personal Details
Read It Yes (2/6/2011)
Store Monarch Books
Purchase Price $3.00
Purchase Date 12/11/2009
Owner John
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