The Boomerang Clue - Why didn't they ask Evans?
Agatha Christie
Dell Books (1982)
In Collection
Paperback 9780440107040
USA  English
When Bobby Jones goes to retrieve his wayward golf ball at the bottom of a cliff, he little expects that he will find a dying man there. With his last breath the man gasps, “Why didn’t they ask Evans?” Looking for a handkerchief in the man’s pocket Bobby pulls out a photograph of an attractive young woman.

Intrigued by the question and the photograph Bobby and his vivacious friend Frankie Derwent set out to solve the mystery—putting their own lives in great danger along the way.

Product Details
Dewey 823
Cover Price $1.75
No. of Pages 224
Height x Width 6.9 x 4.3  inch
Original Publication Year 1934
Personal Details
Read It No
Store Little Professor
Purchase Price $1.75
Purchase Date 6/10/1982
Owner John
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