Evil under the Sun
Agatha Christie
Pocket (1981)
In Collection
Paperback 9780671829087
USA  English
Hercule Poirot is enjoying a well-deserved break on Smugglers Island and, through habit, paying close attention to his fellow holidaymakers. When glamorous actress Arlena Stuart is found strangled on the beach of a small out-of-the-way cove Poirot becomes embroiled in a murder investigation. With his clever and methodical questioning he discovers that nearly all the guests have a connection to Arlena. But which of these suspects, including her family, felt strongly enough about Arlena Stuart to kill her?

Hercule Poroit
Product Details
Cover Price $2.50
No. of Pages 223
Original Publication Year 1941
Personal Details
Read It Yes (12/10/1982)
Store Little Professor
Purchase Price $2.50
Purchase Date 6/10/1982
Owner John
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