Thirteen at Dinner
Agatha Christie
Dell Books (1969)
In Collection
Paperback 9780440187424
USA  English
Actress Jane Wilkinson approaches Hercule Poirot and pleads with him to speak to her husband, Lord Edgware, who is refusing to divorce her. The next morning Lord Edgware is found murdered and witnesses tell Poirot that Jane Wilkinson was the last person to see him alive. However, Jane was at a dinner party miles away at the time with twelve other guests who will testify to her being there. When two more murders are committed, including that of famous impersonator Carlotta Adams, Poirot finds himself in the midst of one of his most perplexing cases.
Product Details
Dewey 823
Cover Price $2.50
No. of Pages 224
Original Publication Year 1933
Personal Details
Read It No
Store Little Professor
Purchase Price $2.50
Purchase Date 6/20/1982
Owner John
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