The Rose and the Yew Tree
Agatha Christie
Dell Books (1982)
In Collection
Paperback 9780440175032
USA  English
A newly reissued edition of Agatha Christie's 'Mary Westmacott' novel, a Crime of the Heart novel about love and anguish across the class divide. Everyone expected Isabella Charteris, beautiful, sheltered and aristocratic, to marry her cousin Rupert when he came back from the War. It would have been such a suitable marriage. How strange then that John Gabriel, an ambitious and ruthless war hero, should appear in her life. For Isabella, the price of love would mean abandoning her dreams of home and happiness forever. For Gabriel, it would destroy his chance of a career and all his ambitions!
Product Details
Cover Price $2.50
No. of Pages 192
Original Publication Year 1947
Personal Details
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Store K-Mart
Purchase Price $2.28
Purchase Date 6/20/1982
Owner John
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