The Pale Horse
Agatha Christie
Pocket (1980)
In Collection
Paperback 9780671420956
USA  English
A dark offering from the Queen of Crime. This represents the world-famous author's most successful foray into the dark world of murder and black magic. To understand the strange goings on at The Pale Horse Inn, Mark Easterbrook knew he had to begin at the beginning. But where exactly was the beginning?Was it the savage blow to the back of Father Gorman's head? Or was it when the priest's assailant searched him so roughly he tore the clergyman's cassock? Or could it have been the priest's visit, just minutes before, to a woman on her death bed?Or was there a deeper significance to the violent squabble which Mark Easterbrook had himself witnessed earlier?Wherever the beginning lies, Mark and his sidekick, Ginger Corrigan, may soon have cause to wish they'd never found it...
Product Details
Cover Price $2.50
No. of Pages 210
Height x Width 6.8 x 4.1  inch
Original Publication Year 1961
Personal Details
Read It No
Store Little Professor
Purchase Price $2.50
Purchase Date 6/20/1982
Owner John
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