The Mysterious Mr. Quin
Agatha Christie
Dell Books (1982)
In Collection
Paperback 9780440162469
USA  English
A conjurer of skill with an instinct for detection, Mr. Harley Quin has an almost magical flair for appearing at the scene of the most remarkable crimes. But is it just a trick of light that haunts his shadow with a ghostly apparition? Is it fate that invites him to a New Year's murder? And what forces are at work when his car breaks down outside Royalston Hall, an isolated estate with a deadly history?

Product Details
Cover Price $2.50
No. of Pages 256
Original Publication Year 1930
Personal Details
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Store Little Professor
Purchase Price $2.50
Purchase Date 6/20/1982
Owner John
Links Amazon

Title Author Start Page No. of Pages
The Coming of Mr. Quin Agatha Christie
The Shadow on the Glass Agatha Christie
At the Bells and Motley Agatha Christie
The Sign in the Sky Agatha Christie
The Soul of the Croupier Agatha Christie
The World's End Agatha Christie
The Voice in the Dark Agatha Christie
The Face of Helen Agatha Christie
The Dead Harlequin Agatha Christie
The Bird with the Broken Wing Agatha Christie
The Man from the Sea Agatha Christie
Harlequin's Lane Agatha Christie