The Tuesday Club Murders
Agatha Christie
Delta (1971)
In Collection
Paperback 9780440191360
USA  English
One of the most recognized sleuths in all of fiction, Miss Marple is the proper English gentlewoman who never misses a chance to gossip. This bright-eyed elderly detective stars in this collection of 13 titles, including: "The Tuesday Night Club," "The Idol House of Astarte," "Ingots of Gold," "The Blood-Stained Pavement," "Motive Versus Opportunity," "The Thumb Mark of Saint Peter," "The Blue Geranium," "The Compassion," "The Four Suspects," "A Christmas Tragedy," "The Herb of Death," "The Affair at the Bungalow," and "Death by Drowning."
Product Details
Cover Price $2.50
No. of Pages 192
Original Publication Year 1982
Personal Details
Read It No
Store Little Professor
Purchase Price $2.50
Purchase Date 12/13/1982
Owner John
Links Amazon

Title Author Start Page No. of Pages
The Tuesday Night Club Agatha Christie
The Idol House of Astarte Agatha Christie
Ingots of Gold Agatha Christie
The Blood-Stained Pavement Agatha Christie
Motive V. Opportunity Agatha Christie
The Thumbmark of St. Peter Agatha Christie
The Blue Geranium Agatha Christie
The Companion Agatha Christie
The Four Suspects Agatha Christie
A Christmas Tragedy Agatha Christie
The Herb of Death Agatha Christie
The Affair at the Bungalow Agatha Christie
Death by Drowning Agatha Christie