Singing in the Shroud
Ngaio Marsh
Jove (1984)
In Collection
Paperback 9780515077353
USA  English
All aboard for murder

The Cape Farewell steams out to sea, carrying a serial strangler who says it with flowers and a little song. Behind, on a fogbound London dock, lies his latest lovely victim; and on board, working undercover to identify him before he strikes again, is Inspector Roderick Alleyn. But-with a collection of neurotic, bombastic, shifty, and passionate passengers at one another's throats-how long can he keep the investigation on course?

Product Details
Dewey 823
Cover Price $2.95
No. of Pages 236
Height x Width 7.0 x 5.0  inch
Original Publication Year 1958
Personal Details
Read It No
Store Ilona
Purchase Date 1990
Owner John
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