Artists in Crime
Ngaio Marsh
Jove (1984)
In Collection
Paperback 9780515075342
USA  English
One of Ngaio Marsh's most famous murder mysteries, which introduces Inspector Alleyn to his future wife, the irrepressible Agatha Troy. It started as a student exercise, the knife under the drape, the model's pose chalked in place. But before Agatha Troy, artist and instructor, returns to the class, the pose has been re-enacted in earnest: the model is dead, fixed for ever in one of the most dramatic poses Troy has ever seen. It's a difficult case for Chief Detective Inspector Alleyn. How can he believe that the woman he loves is a murderess? And yet no one can be above suspicion...
Product Details
Cover Price $2.95
No. of Pages 219
Height x Width 7.0 x 5.0  inch
Original Publication Year 1938
Personal Details
Read It No
Store Ilona
Purchase Date 1990
Owner John
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