Damon Knight
Tor Books (1986)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 0812543335
Product Details
Cover Price $2.95
No. of Pages 288
Original Publication Year 1985
Personal Details
Read It Yes (12/15/2008)
Store Birdsong Books
Purchase Price $2.00
Purchase Date 5/18/2001
Owner John
Links Amazon US
This book was like an episode of the TV show Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. The analogy isn't a slight on the book, I liked that show. Well, Knight had to introduce all of his characters, and CV short for Sea View, wasn't a submarine, but instead more of a floating island. Sea View is a first attempt at trying to use the resources of the pacific ocean as a habitat for the excess population. To make it viable most of its income was coming from passengers/tourism.

The main storyline centered around an alien intelligence that infected a person on the vessel, then transferred itself to another person, incapacitating the person who was left. Soon the sick bay was full of stupefied passengers/crew. So we had a suspense/thriller on our hands. What was going to happen to the people who had been infected? How were we going to stop the alien from infecting more people? How to keep this from getting off Sea View and onto the mainland?

I won't say this one is a classic, or even a must read, but it was exciting and worth the read.