The Ships Of Earth
Orson Scott Card
Tor Books (1995)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780812532630
The City of Basilica has fallen. Now Wetchik, Nafai, and all their family must brave the desert wastes, and cross the wide continents to where Harmony's hidden spaceport lies silent, abandoned, waiting for the command to make the great interstellar ships ready for flight again.

But of these sixteen people, only a few have chosen their exile. The others, Rasa's spiteful daughters and their husbands; Wetchik's oldest son, Elemak, have been forced against their will. Their anger and hatreds will make the difficult journey harder.

Product Details
Dewey 813.54
Series Homecoming
Volume 3
Cover Price $6.99
No. of Pages 384
Height x Width 6.7 x 4.2  inch
Original Publication Year 1994
Personal Details
Read It Yes (12/21/2008)
Store Birdsong Books
Purchase Price $3.50
Purchase Date 6/24/2002
Owner John
Links Amazon
This is the third book in the Homecoming series. Forty million years ago the human race sent colonists to Harmony. They stripped themselves of all means of global warfare and built a super computer to guide men away from the things that could lead to nuclear war. But this computer, the Oversoul, is beginning to have less control. Some of the forbidden items are beginning to be made.

I could have sworn when I read the first ones they were I of II and II of II. Although this one picked up almost immediately after the previous book left off it was definitely the first two logically went together. The first two books focus on events in Basilica, and at the end our main characters leave the city to be the group that helps the computer repair itself.

The Ships of Earth starts with our group of 16 hand chosen, by the Oversoul, men and women in the desert south of Basilica. The book follows the journey of the eight couples, their struggles, which are mostly with the group dynamics. Several members want to return to Basilica or to a city, the tension between Nafai and Elemak. These are Card's characters and he can have them act however he wants them to act, but they are a little bit on the soap opera side with their behavior. Then again how interesting would it be if there was no murderous rage between some of the characters.

If you can accept the extremeness of the characters' emotions, there is a fairly good underlying plot, and the interactions of the characters is compelling just like a soap opera. If you enjoyed the first two in the homecoming series this is one you will also like. I am deciding whether I should continue on with Earthfall immediately or pick out something for a change of pace. It will be sooner rather than later.