The First Immortal - A Novel Of The Future
James Halperin
Del Rey (1998)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780345421821
In 1988, Benjamin Smith suffers a massive heart attack. But he will not die. A pioneering advocate of the infant science of cryonics, he has arranged to have his body frozen until the day when humanity will possess the knowledge, the technology, and the courage to revive him.

Yet when Ben resumes life after a frozen interval of eighty-three years, the world is altered beyond recognition. Thanks to cutting-edge science, eternal youth is universally available and the perfection of cloning gives humanity the godlike power to re-create living beings from a single cell. As Ben and his family are resurrected in the mid-twenty-first century, they experience a complex reunion that reaches through generations--and discover that the deepest ethical dilemmas of humankind remain their greatest challenge. . . .
Product Details
Dewey 813.54
Cover Price $6.99
No. of Pages 432
Height x Width 6.9 x 4.2  inch
Original Publication Year 1998
Personal Details
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Store Monarch Books
Purchase Price $3.45
Purchase Date 1/9/2010
Owner John
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