Shiva Descending
Gregory Benford; William Rotsler
Tor Books (1992)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780812531831
The first strikes destroyed Cleveland, Tunis, and parts of Alaska, Canada, and Australia. That was barely the beginning.The swarm-- a cloud of meteors and asteroids 50,000 miles across--was coming. Hundred of missiles put Earth under siege forcing the world in a panicked hell of anarchy and catastrophe. Riots and orgies rampaged in the rubble. And worse waited.Because at the swarm's heart was Shiva--a 30 billion-ton comet set to hit earth with the force of 250,000 H-bombs. The impact would turn seas into vapor and mountains into dust. pray, scream, get drunk, or run amok--but no one could escape it. No one could survive it.And no one could stop it.
Product Details
Cover Price $3.95
No. of Pages 400
Height x Width 6.9 x 4.3  inch
Original Publication Year 1980
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Store Monarch Books
Purchase Price $1.49
Purchase Date 1/9/2010
Owner John
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