The Sharing Knife, Volume Four: Horizon
Lois McMaster Bujold
Eos (2010)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780061375378
USA  English
The concluding volume in the epic fantasy saga from multiple Hugo Award-winning author Lois McMaster Bujold A Lakewalker entrusted with protecting the populace from malices—terrifying remnants of ancient magic—Dag Redwing Hickory never expected to fall in love with Fawn Bluefield, the farmer girl he rescued. When they joined in marriage, defying their kin, they bridged the perilous split between their peoples. Now Dag's extraordinary maker abilities have grown—along with his fears about who and what he is becoming, and his frustration with the disdain in which Lakewalker soldier-sorcerers are expected to hold their farmer neighbors. Fawn and Dag's world is changing, and the traditional Lake-walker practices cannot continue to hold every malice at bay. At the end of their long journey home, the pair must at last answer the question they've grappled with for so long: When the old traditions fail disastrously, can their untried new ways stand against their world's deadliest foe?
Product Details
Dewey 813
Series The Sharing Knife
Volume 4
Cover Price $7.99
No. of Pages 416
Height x Width 6.6 x 4.1  inch
Original Publication Year 2009
Personal Details
Read It Yes (1/30/2010)
Store Borders
Purchase Price $5.59
Purchase Date 1/30/2010
Owner John
Links Amazon
The Sharing Knife, Volume 4: Horizon (2009) 422 pages by Lois McMaster Bujold.

The setting for the sharing knife stories is a pre-industrial society, with two distinct factions. farmers and lakewalkers. The lakewalkers have groundsense, that the farmers don't have. Their world is plagued by malices. A malice feeds off of living animals, taking their grounds, and becoming stronger. The only way to kill a malice is with a sharing knife, a femur from a dead lakewalker that is then bonded to another, when that lakewalker is about to die, the bonded knife is used to kill them, priming the knife for use against a malice.

Farmers and lakewalkers try to stay out of each others way. This led to one malice becoming very strong very quickly because the one town, did not communicate with the lakewalkers. (book 2). Dag and Fawn are on sort of a quest to bring enlightenment to both sets of people.

This picks up where volume 3 left off. Fawn, Dag, and the rest of their party is in Graymouth. Dag after decades of being a patroller, looking to train in medicine. Plus Dag, Fawn, Whit, Berry, etc. are looking to travel back to their home in the North.

I have loved all of Bujold's works. This was no exception.