The Panchronicon Plot
Ron Goulart
In Collection
Science Fiction

Jake Conger
Product Details
Cover Price $1.25
No. of Pages 156
Original Publication Year 1977
Personal Details
Read It Yes (12/28/2008)
Purchase Price $1.95
Owner John
The plot is very thin, the scenes are very quick it's more of a long short story. I wouldn't say novelette or novella, I'm sticking with long short story. It's not so much the story that is the selling point of this book, but rather the Goulart way of telling it. The dialogue is meant to be witty and humorous. The characters are recollecting their Uncle who did this or that.

There's an old west marshal who thinks his sidekick should go undercover in disguises. He asks Jake what his partner looks like. He immediately says "an Indian in drag," denoting the weakness of the disguise.

Anyway, Jake Conger on semi-retirement from the Wild Talents Division is approached by his old boss, Geer, who says the president has gone loco and stashed all of his rivals back in history. The first thing Jake does is track down Buford True, a man who can time travel without the use of a time machine. They end up going to Vienna 1897 to find one of the men the president stashed.

There are many time hops, the action mostly follows Jake Conger, with the one exception following True.

The enjoyment of this book is in following the cutesy dialogue, the stereotyped idiosyncratic characters, and laughing along as you go. If you're not a fan of Goulart's style you're going to be miserable. I've read and enjoyed short stories that I've read, so I knew what I was getting, and after the first five pages you'll know, too.