Spacehawk, Inc.
Ron Goulart
DAW (1974)
In Collection
Science Fiction
In the Barnum system, Malagra was considered to be the most uninviting planet of them all. In fact, among the engineers and androids of Kip Bundy's set, it was known as the pesthole of the universe.
Product Details
No. of Pages 160
Original Publication Year 1974
Personal Details
Read It Yes (1/1/2009)
Purchase Price $2.50
Owner John
Links Amazon
Another farcical romp by Goulart. Kip's family runs one of the big conglomerates in the Barnum system. He likes his comfortable spot on Barnum, but there is a problem with some of the androids his family has sold on Malagra. So Kip is thrust into the position of having to go there and fix them, on the sly, without the customers realizing that he is doing it. His cover story to go traipsing around the planet is that he is an investigator with Spacehawk, Inc., one of the family's businesses. The cover gets better when he is assigned is a missing persons case that goes to many of the people that have the defective androids. It doesn't hurt that the client is the beautiful sister of the missing person.

The scenes jump frenetically from one to the next. The formula being that the protaganists get into some sort of scrape, and that through wits, or some device they wriggle out of it, or outside help comes to the rescue. There's just enough story to carry the witty banter, coincidences, and odd characters. i.e. the emphasis is to make the reader laugh or smile.