The Divine Invasion
Philip K. Dick
Vintage (1991)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780679734451
n The Divine Invasion, Philip K. Dick asks: What if God--or a being called Yah--were alive and in exile on a distant planet? How could a second coming succeed against the high technology and finely tuned rationalized evil of the modern police state? The Divine Invasion "blends Judaism, Kabalah, Zoroastrianism, and Christianity into a fascinating fable of human existence" (West Coast Revew of Books).
Product Details
Dewey 813.54
Cover Price $12.00
No. of Pages 240
Height x Width 7.8 x 5.1  inch
Original Publication Year 1981
Personal Details
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Purchase Price $9.00
Purchase Date 10/25/2008
Owner John
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