The Law Of Nines
Terry Goodkind
Berkley (2010)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780515147483
USA  Englisch
Product Details
Cover Price $9.99
No. of Pages 566
Height x Width 7.6 x 4.2  inch
Original Publication Year 2009
Personal Details
Read It Yes (12/31/2011)
Store Borders
Purchase Price $7.09
Purchase Date 1/17/2011
Owner John
The Law of Nines (2009) 566 pages by Terry Goodkind.

A sequel to the sword of truth series which ended with a second world being created and all those who wanted to live without magic sent there. This is set centuries after that in the world without magic, which is now much like our world.

Alex Rahl is a painter who just turned twenty-seven. As he is going to the gallery where his paintings are displayed a truck swerves onto the sidewalk almost running him and the girl next to him over. If not for his quick reactions they would both be dead.

The mysterious woman turns out to be Jax, a woman from the world of magic. There is a movement in the world of magic led by ruthless Radell Cain. He has been sending his people into our world. We don't know why but something to do with the Rahls and th law of nines.

As the story continues we learn there are more and more infiltrators. Alex and Jax set out to learn what they are after and set out to help Jax's world.

The writing flowed nicely. A combination of action and back story and character development. The premise might have been one sided or had some holes. If the baddies could do the stuff they were doing at the end of the story, why weren't they doing it all along? And it did seem a little one sided. They can see through our mirrors--spying on us. And when they come into our world they can show up at any location. Also there was mention of not being able to take things between the worlds, but they had no trouble bringing knives into this world. What I'm saying is the suspension of disbelief is really stretched. Still excellently written with likable heroes.