The Solomon Effect
C.S. Graham
Harper (2009)
In Collection
Mass Market Paperback 9780061689352
USA  English
A German U-boat lost in the final days of the Second World War rested silent and dead in the deep waters off the Russian coast for more than half a century-carrying a cargo too terrifying to contemplate.Now it has been found and its terrible treasure liberated . . . by those who would set the world on fire.A remote viewer working in top secret for the U.S. government, October Guinness can "see" events occurring on the other side of the globe. But she and her loose cannon partner, CIA agent Jax Alexander-who questions the validity of Tobie's "gift"-have arrived too late to prevent a bloodbath . . . and perhaps the Apocalypse as well. Now every second brings the unthinkable a step closer-and places Tobie and Jax in the gunsights of powerful enemies in frighteningly high places-as they race to connect the dots between an impending catastrophe and a nightmare cultivated decades earlier by Nazi scientists with an evil agenda about to become all too real ...
Product Details
LoC Classification CPBBoxno.3067 .vol. 24
Dewey 813
Cover Price $7.99
No. of Pages 400
Height x Width 6.6 x 4.1  inch
Original Publication Year 2009
Personal Details
Read It Yes (6/27/2011)
Store Borders
Purchase Price $3.20
Purchase Date 4/10/2011
Owner John
Library of Congress
The Solomon Effect (2009) 371 pages by C. S. Graham.

I picked this book up at a Borders that was closing, and got it for 70 or 80% off. Without the steep discount I never would have looked at Graham. The book turned out to be really riveting. I flew through it. The science fiction-y part of the book is remote viewing and the sword of Solomon.

CIA man Jax Alexander and remote viewer October Guiness are looking into the disappearance of some cargo of a salvaged WW II era Nazi sub. Jax is sent to investigate the sub that Tobie has seen in her viewing. All the essential agents are sent on real missions and Jax is stuck with what is likely a wild goose chase. Tobie petitions her boss to go into the field. The two of them working together strive to thwart the terrorist plot.

I really enjoyed it, and thought it was excellent. After finishing I thought it reminded me of how a crime-drama TV show or movie is written. It may be a little formulaic. Of course, there are formulas because they work. The science fiction was a minor point in the book, but it was still very enjoyable. I really liked the Jax and Tobie characters.