Marion Zimmer Bradley
Tor Books (2003)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780765346667
USA  English
What is the Truth?Truth Blackburn’s father thought he knew what it was. Thorne Blackburn and his followers settled at Shadow's Gate, a magnificent old house in upstate New York, and sought the Truth about life through ritual and magic. One night, something went badly wrong during Thorne’s most powerful ceremony. When the chaos had passed, Thorne had vanished, and Katherine, mother of Thorne’s young daughter Truth, was dead. Thirty years later, Truth Blackburn searches for smaller truths: what really happened that night at Shadow's Gate? Did Thorne truly have magical powers? And what happened to her half-siblings, a boy and girl Truth last saw that horrible night when her mother died?
Product Details
Dewey 813.54
Cover Price $6.99
No. of Pages 384
Height x Width 6.8 x 4.3  inch
Original Publication Year 2002
Personal Details
Read It No
Store Dawn Treader
Purchase Price $3.50
Purchase Date 5/22/2011
Owner John