Dragon and Herdsman - The Forth Dragonback Adventure
Timothy Zahn
Starscape (2007)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780765352767
USA  English
Jack Morgan has had it rough. He was orphaned at three, then lost his Uncle Virgil ten years later. But the plucky fourteen-year-old didn’t know what rough was until he met Draycos, sole survivor of an advance force of alien refugees that had been brutally ambushed over the world where Jack was in hiding from the authorities. The K’da poet-warrior needed to bond with a host, or he would die; the reformed boy thief and con artist needed a friend, someone he could depend on as he tried to clear his name. Since then they’ve formed a unique team, determined to find and expose those responsible for the slaughter of Draycos’s team. In the months since fate threw them together, they’ve been through a lot. But when Jack tries to hack the computer in an office of the notorious Malison Ring, their quest nearly ends in the jaws of that mercenary organization’s trap. Luckily, Alison Kayna, a girl Jack had worked with as a reluctant mercenary for another outfit, comes to his rescue. Evading pursuit, they escape to the primitive world of Rho Scorvi, where she’s planned a rendezvous with friends. But at the edge of Rho Scorvi’s hundred-mile-wide forest, they make a shocking discovery: traveling with a group of the planet’s native Erassvas is a small lost colony of Draycos's own race, the K'da. But unlike Draycos’s people, these K’da--known as Phookas--are slow, lethargic, and unintelligent. When the Malison Ring tracks the Essenay to Rho Scorvi, Jack realizes that unless he and Draycos and a reluctant Alison can lead the Phookas to safety in the forest, these unfortunate creatures will become the latest victims of the genocide that threatens to wipe out their entire race. Jack has already been a thief, a soldier, and a slave. Now he must become a herdsman, protecting the Phookas from danger as they travel deep into the unexplored forest. But even more importantly, he must protect from the mercenaries and Alison the dark secret of the herd and Jack's poet-warrior ally. Only if they succeed do they stand a chance of surviving Rho Scorvi to continue their quest . . .
Product Details
Series Dragonback
Volume 4
Cover Price $5.99
No. of Pages 304
Height x Width 7.5 x 5.1  inch
Original Publication Year 2005
Personal Details
Read It Yes (3/12/2012)
Store Powells.com
Purchase Price $3.98
Purchase Date 1/12/2012
Owner John
Links Amazon.com
Dragon and Herdsman (2005) 299 pages by Timothy Zahn.

Fourth book in the Dragonback series. Jack Morgan is a fourteen year old boy. Orphaned at three, brought up by his con man Uncle Virge. Virge died when Jack was thirteen, before he died he programmed the computer in the Essanay with his personality. Jack was hiding out on Iota Klestis when the advance party for the Shontine and K'da was ambushed and Draycos, a K'da poet warrior, was the sole survivor. Without a host for six hours, a K'da will die. Jack happened upon Draycos' crashed ship and it turned out the human was a suitable host for him.

Jack and Draycos are trying to save main fleet of Shontine and K'da, and have gone through adventures in the first three books trying to get information that will help. In this book after a brief scuffle at a Malison Ring mercenary base where Jack is captured and then Alison Kayna helps him escape. Jack and the Essanay drop Alison off on Rho Scorvi, which is inhabited by the Erassvas, a peaceful almost oblivious people. Jack notices the Phookas which look exactly like K'da. While Jack is just getting introduced the Malison Ring shows up. Jack and Alison retreat into the forest. Jack knowing the Phooka would be slaughtered takes the Phooka with him.

The really interesting part of the story is whether Jack and Draycos can trust Alison or not. As the group is on their trek through the forest some secrets are revealed.

I didn't quite read the book straight through, but I did finish it in less than a day. It was another great Zahn book.