Fires of Coventry
Rick Shelley
Ace Books (1996)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780441003853
USA  English
From the national bestselling author of the DMC series and The Buchanan Campaign, The Fires of Coventry continues the saga of one manrsquo;s mission to liberate occupied worlds from the onslaught of an unrelenting enemyhellip; The fleet from the Confederation of Human Worlds struck the Commonwealth world of Coventry without warning. Their communication satellites destroyed and their military defenses subjugated, the citizens of Coventry are forced to flee before the advancing army. Now, itrsquo;s up to Lead Sergeant David Spencer and the Royal Marines of the Commonwealth to teach the Federation that Coventry may have been conquered with ease-but keeping it is going to take maximum effort. But even the most technologically-advanced army in the galaxy might not be enough against the most primitive elemental force in the universehellip;
Product Details
LoC Classification CPBBoxno.276 .vol. 18
Dewey 813
Cover Price $6.99
No. of Pages 312
Height x Width 6.5 x 3.8  inch
Original Publication Year 1996
Personal Details
Read It No
Purchase Price $0.95
Purchase Date 1/12/2012
Owner John
Library of Congress