One for the Morning Glory
John Barnes
Tor Books (1996)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Hardcover 9780312861063
USA  English
It is said (by whom, we are not certain) that a child who tastes the Wine of the Gods too early is only half a person afterwards. Young Prince Amatus learned all too well the bitter truth of that ancient saying when he secretly sipped the forbidden elixir, leaving him literally half the lad he'd once been - not just a figure of speech; indeed, his left side vanished without a trace. His father, the fierce but fair King Boniface, was (only a figure of speech in this instance) beside himself, and the royal retainers responsible for the mishap were punished severely, leaving the young prince entirely without protectors. But a year and a day later, four mysterious strangers appeared to take their places. And since a year and a day is an auspicious time in tales of this sort, it was clear to the King that Great Matters Were Afoot.
Product Details
LoC Classification PS3552.A677 .O5 1996
Dewey 813.54
Cover Price $22.95
No. of Pages 318
Height x Width 8.5 x 5.7  inch
Original Publication Year 1996
Personal Details
Read It No
Purchase Price $3.50
Purchase Date 1/27/2012
Owner John
Library of Congress