The Sky So Big and Black (Meme Wars)
John Barnes
Tor Books (2003)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780765342225
USA  English
Terpichore Murray is growing up on Mars. She wants to quit school and become an eco-prospector like her father. He has other ideas; not only does he want her to stay in school, he wants her along on his next long trip conducting a group of younger kids from the highlands at Mars's equator back to school in Wells City. Early in the trip, disaster strikes-and it's up to Terry, without adult help, to get the survivors to safety, through several hundred miles of Martian wilderness. In the process, she will encounter the self-engineered "Mars-form" humans, usually shunned by the regular colonists-and One True, the collective intelligence that dominates Earth and from whom the Mars colonists are all separated. In the process she may well come of age and change the course of human history in the solar system . . . if Mars doesn't kill her first.
Product Details
Dewey 813
Series Meme Wars
Cover Price $6.99
No. of Pages 320
Height x Width 6.5 x 4.2  inch
Original Publication Year 2002
Personal Details
Read It No
Purchase Price $3.95
Purchase Date 1/27/2012
Owner John