In the Hall of the Martian King
John Barnes
Aspect (2003)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780446610834
USA  English
A Martian monarch has taken possession of a priceless relic: the lifelog diary of the mysterious messiah who founded the Wager, the religion that forms the basis of all interstellar society. The Hive Intel conglomerate wants the lifelog and hires Jak to get it. It's a simple job, until other spies-including Ambassador Dujuv, Uncle Sib, and Jak's evil ex-girlfriend-arrive on Mars and turn the assignment into a wild ride of mind control, murder, and looming interplanetary war. For the lifelog contains a devastating secret that can overturn the status quo of whole worlds-a secret that Hive Intel will suppress at all costs. In the past, Jak has completed missions by betraying his friends. Now in order to succeed, Jak Jinnaka must betray the entire human race...
Product Details
LoC Classification CPBBoxno.2267 .vol. 8
Dewey 813
Cover Price $6.99
No. of Pages 304
Height x Width 6.7 x 4.2  inch
Original Publication Year 2003
Personal Details
Read It No
Purchase Price $3.50
Purchase Date 1/27/2012
Owner John
Library of Congress