The Dragon And The Djinn
Gordon R. Dickson
Ace Books (1998)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780441004959
Gordon R. Dickson continues his acclaimed saga of a twentieth-century American transformed into a Dragon Knight - and transported into a fantastic medieval adventure! The Dragon Knight's journey to the Holy Land is supposed to be a simple quest...but pirates, sea giants, and the legendary Djinn threaten to make his voyage the most dangerous odyssey known to man - and dragon.
Product Details
Dewey 813.54
Series Dragon Knight
Cover Price $8.99
No. of Pages 400
Height x Width 6.7 x 4.3  inch
Original Publication Year 1996
Personal Details
Read It Yes (5/3/2009)
Store Dawn Treader
Purchase Price $3.50
Purchase Date 7/7/2001
Owner John
Links Amazon
The Dragon and the Djinn (1996) 387 pages by Gordon Dickson.

Jim Eckert and his wife Angie get transported to a 14th century England where there is magic, talking Dragons and Wolves, etc. The series starts with The Dragon and the George where Jim has to save Angie from the Dark Forces at the Loathly tower. By the time of this book, Jim has worked himself up to a C class magician with "unlimited" drawing power with the magic accounting office, but early in the story Carolinus warns Jim to limit his use of magical energy for when he might really need it.

Sir Brian Neville-Smythe, Jim's closest 14th century friend, has been waiting years for the return of Sir Geoffrey, the father of Geronde, his betrothed. He needs Geoffrey to give his consent so that he can marry Geronde. He hears word that Geoffrey has been spotted in the city of Palmyra in the Holy land. Brian starts on this quest alone, and later on Jim catches up and helps Brian.

A lot of the recurring characters, Giles, Daffyd, Secoh, Aragh, made no appearence in this book, instead we were introduced to customs and people from the Mediterranean. The Djinn was a very minor character in the story, I think that title was there to sell more books. I'm certainly not disappointed, it was an excellent story and fun read.

I think I metioned this last time, that Dickson has done a great job setting up a set of rules, the knight's honor, the difference in class, what magicians are allowed to do, etc. and then sticking to it.

Thoroughly enjoyable. I will at some point read the last three in the Dragon Knight series. The series has is on my recommended list.

The Dragon and the George (1976)
The Dragon Knight (1990)
The Dragon on the Border (1992)
The Dragon at War (1992)
The Dragon, the Earl, and the Troll (1994)
The Dragon and the Djinn (1996)
The Dragon and the Gnarly King (1997)
The Dragon in Lyonesse (1998)
The Dragon and the Fair Maid of Kent (2000)