Assignment In Eternity
Robert A. Heinlein
Roc (1980)
In Collection
Anthology, Science Fiction
Paperback 9780451093608
Robert A. Heinlein is widely and justly regarded as the greatest practitioner of the art of science fiction who has ever lived. Here are two of his greatest short novels: GULF: In which the greatest superspy of them all is revealed as the leader of a league of supermen and women who can't quite decide what to do with the rest of us.... LOST LEGACY: In which it is proved that we are all members of that league -- or would be, if we but had eyes to see.... PLUS TWO GREAT STORIES: Two of the Master's finest: one on the nature of Being, the other on what it means to be a Man.
Product Details
Cover Price $1.95
No. of Pages 192
Height x Width 7.0 x 5.0  inch
Original Publication Year 1953
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Store Little Professor
Purchase Price $1.95
Owner John
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Title Author Start Page No. of Pages
Gulf Robert A. Heinlein 7
Elsewhen Robert A. Heinlein 68
Lost Legacy Robert A. Heinlein 96
Jerry Was A Man Robert A. Heinlein 171